Why are progressive reading discount glasses so beneficial?

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Progressive reading glasses without magnification on top are the type of multifocal lightweight reading glasses, with zero magnification on the top lens, which is designed to provide a seamless transition between near and far vision without a visible line.

Explain in more detail: What are progressive reading discount glasses with no magnification at the top?
Progressive reading discount glasses are different from traditional reading glasses, which can only correct myopia, and they provide a gradual lens degree from the bottom to the top so that people can see at any distance without switching between multiple pairs of glasses.
Progressive lenses are sometimes called wireless bifocal lenses because they do not have this visible bifocal line. Although the multifocal design of progressive lenses is much more advanced than bifocal or triple-focal lenses, it meets the different needs of users.
The special function of these discount glasses is to smooth the transition from far-sightedness at the top of the lens, mid-sightedness in the middle, and nearsightedness at the lower part of the lens. Because the top of the lens has zero magnification and can accomplish any task without removing the reading glasses, the middle part reduces its strength for use in computers, while the bottom of the lens has the full magnification closest to vision.
Progressive reading glasses offer several important benefits, including providing clear vision at all distances and eliminating the strange image jumps caused by bifocal and trifocal lenses, where the apparent position of an object suddenly changes as the eye crosses the visible lines in these lenses.
More people wear progressive reading discount glasses than bifocal and trifocal glasses combined, and the reason is that wearing progressive glasses is cosmetically attractive because there are no visible lines. For those who suffer from presbyopia, progressive lenses have significant visual and cosmetic benefits compared to traditional bifocal and triple-focal lenses.
