There is a number of different places you may use your

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There is a number of different places you may use your

I generally use a Steel Titan on RS gold jobs, or a Yak. Any info on updates? Tasks I believe I'm doing wrong: Dagannoths- Can I be doing DKS rather than going to the lighthouse? Airuts/Kalg- Everyone else seems to like doing these jobs... Metal Dragons- If I'm picking up the bones/bars? Is the Rush of Blood worth doing? Morvran's particular slayer job? VIP tickets? Thank you in advance.

Since I have been asked to burden in, I will give you some advice. Get the following-Arma/pernix, chaotic cbows. Subj robes/virtus, perverted staff or virtus wand/book. Bandos/torva and drygores or double chaotic rapiers. Vip slayer tickets (I used about 150 becoming to 104m from 23m). 1k+ holy overloads. Having t80 assists alot over t70, and t90 melee is a very good investment.

Prefer-ganos-muspah-airuts-aviansies-cele dragons-elves. It is not worth extending tasks, bypass any jobs which are slow or have very substantial amounts (ie 115 iron paintings ). Slay kril/dks if you have boss job as them and/or need gp. Always attempt to have kree/kril or even dks boss task to get bonus xp+reaper points. Have magic/range/slayer fast gear hinges ready, with melee/magic as 2 and 1 since you may use them most. Use supreme abilities, they're worth it watch hp using berserk. Use bonecrusher whereever possible unless gp is a problem, spring clean all items mithril.Another thing I do not enjoy is that the inclusion of"lodestones." Now, when you throw the Home spell, then you can choose that lodestone to respawn at. I spent a year building up my magic experience so that I can teleport to far off areas. Now, a n00b teleport openly around RS with hardly any magical experience. These lodestones allow you to teleport more places than high level teleport spells enable you to. That's a BIG imbalance, IMO!

Hello Ak, There is a number of different places you may use your cannon and occasionally you may earn profit. 1. Fire Giants is a good spot to cannon since they may drop Rune two Handers, Rune Scimitars and objects in the Ring of Wealth dining table. 2. However the prerequisites are: Horror in the Deep.

Black Demons in Taverly Dungeon. This is cheap OSRS gold an okay spot as the ashes are rather expensive however there can be a lot of bots. However there's robots or PKers. Requirements: Nerves of Steel! Hope I helped and great luck finding a good method!
