League of Legends 2021 Tips: Climb in Season 11

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Once you have taken the time to get to know all of the Champions and their abilities on LoL, it’s time for you to choose your favorite champion. If you choose a champion and stick

League of Legends Season 11 started on Jan. 8, accompanied by the first patch of the year that came out on Jan. 6. Whether you are a seasoned climber or a newcomer to the game, the changes brought up in patches require players to keep up and constantly learn what's best in the game. Following those tips to help you climb in season 11

Solidify your champion pool

It is important to keep a small champion pool in League of Legends so you can play your champion to their strengths at all times. Somebody who plays the same champion or set of champions over and over again will be better than somebody who plays every champion in the game.

One of the main reasons for this is because that person will have lots of experience when playing said champion.

Let’s say you play 30-50 champions in League of Legends. If you happen to be laning against an enemy who has a rather shallow champion pool, you will find it much harder to play against them purely because you have less experience on the champio

Instead of playing every champion in the game, try to limit how many champions you take into ranked. A good number to go by is 3 champions on your main role.

This will provide you with enough flexibility to play a different champion when you’re in a tough matchup on your preferred pick. It also allows enough wiggle room to counter pick the enemy.

If you really are unhappy with playing 3 champions or find yourself getting bored/needing to switch it up often, allow for up to 5 champions. Do not go over this number if possible.

Further down the line, you may wish to replace champions when they fall out of meta or if you stop performing well on them. When this occurs, swap and replace when necessary to stay at your peak. But I wouldn’t advise you to give up so easily at the start of the season.

Understand Mythic Items to BuildMythic items possess passive ability that affect other Legendary items in your inventory. In the case of ADC, we may choose Kraken Slayer as our Mythic because the enemy team is pretty tanky. Kraken Slayer's passive empowers other Legendary items with 10% bonus attack speed. However if in another case, we need more mobility, Galeforce is the best option because its passive empowers each of our other Legendary items with 3% bonus movement speed.

Choose Your Favorite Champion

Once you have taken the time to get to know all of the Champions and their abilities on LoL, it’s time for you to choose your favorite champion. If you choose a champion and stick with playing him/her in a particular role, you can quickly climb the LoL ladder.

Mythic Items

Speaking of the items, you need to know which Mythic item your champion needs going into Season 11. If you’re completely unfamiliar with the new Mythic items, you can see our post on these new items here. The biggest keys to consider are that you can only have one Mythic item in your build and you will get bonus stats on all your legendary items depending on which one you buy.

Understand Ability Haste

This was the other big change that the preseason brought was the introduction of a new stat for items, ability haste. This replaces cooldown reduction, which no longer exists.

Know Your Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Role

This sort of goes hand-in-hand with the dodging tip, but you need to know your top three roles that you can play at a competent level. Even though you only pick two roles when you queue up (or just pick fill), if you’re serious about climbing you should know one more role in case you get autofilled. Don’t overextend yourself and try to know four or all five roles, just know two and have enough knowledge of a third so that you can play it if you are autofilled.

Mute All

If you’re someone who gets easily tilted by people typing in chat, or you’re someone who ends up tying a lot in chat when things go well, this is a great tip. At the beginning of game, just type “/mute all” and you’ll ignore all messages in chat from teammates and opponents. You can also type “/fullmute all” to mute emotes and pings, or turn off all chat in the game menu to block the enemy team from chatting you.

Check Your Mental

Before going into a game, make sure that you are in the proper mindset for a game of League of Legends. That means you’re not hungry, angry, distracted, nervous, or have to go to the bathroom.

We've gone ahead and discussed some easy to learn champions that will help you Climbing in league of legends. We hope you enjoyed this guide to Climbing Solo Queue or beginners. Did you find a League of Legends champion that fits your play style or want Buy LoL Account , click https://lol.igvault.com/League-of-Legends-Accounts
