After un kill a monster they'll fall magic orb. Subsequently in monster house at a room besides entry room can use magical orb and OSRS gold that NPC will be in ur house. Each room must contain the same npc. So room 1 can contain lessers and space 2 can comprise guards.
There's also a lever to produce dangerous, safe, enjoyable, and off mode. Dangerous meens that if u die u spawn in lumbridge and lose all but 3 best items. But the npcs may also drop things.
In fun mode u can speak to ur npcs. Of course where is the monster home? It is either in ur wrench bar in monster house choices, which allows u to chage who will enter, enter monster home and input friends monster house. Unlike pohs in runscape if no1 is at the home except u and u die, in pohs u lose stuff that u dropped when no1 is in there, but in these will have the gravestone to protect ur things for the time that they r allowed.
But if u chose to u can earn a portal, instead of wrench choice to generate ur portal in the following areas: lumby swamp, infront of draynor manor. I think this could be a great idea and it's for free 2p also. . .and no it doesnt raise construction. I'd love it if some1 could copy and paste this on runescape forums, and post the quick find code.
My initial suggestion:New lure (In a small waythis can help you catch what you would like to catch) In harry's fishing shop in catherbley, you can buy bait for diffrent fish... HOW TO USE BAIT:Use the bait with all the required equipment to Buy RS gold catch the fish you want to capture, it is going to turn from an ordenery fishing gear (Eg. Lobster pot) to a Fishing Gear with just how much bait it's in it in brackets, (eg. Lobster pot to Lobster marijuana (50)). Cool?
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