石井 ゆかり: The queen of fortune telling

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The fortune-telling business in Japan is a multi-million dollar business. In Japan, fortune telling also known as omikuji is a popular form of divination that involves drawing a random strip of paper from a container and interpreting the message written on it.

石井 ゆかり: The queen of fortune telling

The fortune-telling business in Japan is a multi-million dollar business. In Japan, fortune telling also known as omikuji is a popular form of divination that involves drawing a random strip of paper from a container and interpreting the message written on it. These messages, or “fortunes”, often contain words of encouragement or caution, and may be specific to a particular person or situation.

In this blog, we will go through the books of the famous fortune teller known as 石井 ゆかり. But before we move on to her books let us take a closer look at fortune-telling.

What is Fortune telling?

Fortune telling is the practice of predicting or divining information about a person's life, relationships, or future events. There are many different methods of fortune-telling, including astrology, tarot reading, palmistry, and numerology, among others. While some people believe that fortune-telling can provide insights and guidance, it is important to remember that these practices are not based on scientific evidence and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice or treatment. It is also important to be cautious of anyone who claims to be able to predict the future with absolute certainty, as this is not possible.

Omikuji can be found at shrines and temples throughout Japan, and people often visit these places specifically to receive a fortune. Some shrines and temples also offer other forms of fortune-telling, such as astrology or palm reading.

Let us see some of the famous books 石井 ゆかり has written which have helped millions and millions of people in Japan.

石井 ゆかり: Divination Horoscope 2

石井 ゆかり has published a book known as “Figaro Japon” which if you translate it to English means Divination Horoscope which is the second book in this series. This book has seen a very positive response from readers in and around Japan especially when it comes to horoscope readings. It has been featured not once but twice in a year since 2010.

This is 石井 ゆかり’s first ever Mook book, which has been a hit and has been sold out for two years. This part has long been awaited as this is the second edition of “石井 ゆかり’s horoscope 2”.

石井 ゆかり has published many books which are strictly dedicated to each horoscope sign like there is a book that is just written for people with that horoscope. Similarly, there are other books where she is seen to express her professional opinions about each horoscope. Her writing style is so easy to understand and interpret that it is must read.

Let us see some of the fortune-telling techniques that are being practiced in Japan.

Fortune-telling techniques used in Japan

In addition to traditional fortune-telling methods, modern forms of Omikuji, such as electronic fortune-telling machines and online fortune-telling websites, are also popular in Japan.

Other fortune-telling techniques that are popular in Japan include:

  • Onmyōdō: This is a traditional Japanese divination system that combines elements of astrology, yin and yang theory, and the Five Elements. Onmyōdō practitioners use various methods, such as the use of astrological charts, to predict the future or provide guidance.
  • Shōji: This is a form of fortune telling that involves throwing small sticks or tablets and interpreting the patterns in which they land.
  • Gyōdō: This is a form of divination that involves the use of a set of divination blocks or sticks that are thrown and the patterns in which they land are interpreted.

It is important to remember that these practices are not based on scientific evidence and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice or treatment. They are often used as a form of entertainment or self-exploration, and it is up to the individual to decide whether or not they find them meaningful or helpful.


Fortune telling is a mystical art that very few people in the world can do accurately. One of these gifted fortune tellers is 石井 ゆかり. After reading this article you must have been intrigued by her methods and the variety of techniques used in Japan. If you are also intrigued by this article go out and try out fortune telling as you never how this world can surprise and amaze you.
