A hybrid multi cloud architecture solution

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A hybrid cloud works by combining resources and services from two or more different computing environments. A hybrid cloud architecture requires integration, orchestration and coordination so you can quickly share, transfer and synchronize information.

How does a hybrid cloud work?
A hybrid cloud works by combining resources and services from two or more different computing environments. A hybrid cloud architecture requires integration, orchestration and coordination so you can quickly share, transfer and synchronize information.
A strong hybrid cloud network is critical to the proper functioning of hybrid cloud deployments. Interconnection between environments is typically established using local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs), virtual private networks (VPNs), and application programming interfaces (APIs).
Similar to other cloud computing architectures, hybrid cloud platforms leverage virtualization, containerization, and software-defined networking and storage technologies to abstract and aggregate resources. With dedicated management software, organizations can allocate resources and enable on-demand configuration of different environments.
What does a hybrid cloud approach do?
If you want to take advantage of the scalability and security of a public cloud such as Google Cloud, while keeping your data on-premises to comply with data residency laws, or to support computing needs closer to your customers, then a hybrid cloud approach is for you of. For some users, critical systems run in both private and public clouds, so hybrid computing is a good option.
Here are some benefits of adopting a hybrid cloud:
Modernize at your own pace. With a hybrid cloud, you can move applications to the cloud at a pace that suits your business and transform your technology infrastructure over time.
Maintain regulatory compliance. Many industries have established rules about where applications run. Hybrid cloud helps you use private and public clouds while meeting any regulatory requirements.
Run the application locally. You may have regulated applications that need to remain on-premises or large mainframe systems that need to be difficult to migrate to the cloud.
Run applications at remote edge locations. If you run applications in industries that require hybrid computing at the edge for low latency (such as retail kiosks or telecom networks), a hybrid approach allows you to run selected applications at the edge.
Hybrid cloud solution
Today, IT teams are figuring out how to build hybrid cloud environments, leveraging the same technology stack to keep pace with cloud-native technologies, microservices and container-based architectures, and infrastructure-as-code adoption.
Over time, hybrid cloud solutions focus less on interconnection between locations and more on workload portability and automated deployment to the environment that best fits the business use case.
Therefore, we recommend thinking about hybrid cloud platforms in terms of usage, not just location and ownership.
A hybrid multi cloud architecture should:
Integrate IT resources, services and functions
Automatic scale-out and configuration
Move workloads freely between environments
Orchestrate processes and provide unified management
Automate application deployment across private clouds, public clouds, and edge locations
What are the advantages of hybrid cloud?
Effective Application Governance
A hybrid approach lets you decide where to deploy hybrid applications and where to compute. This helps improve privacy protection and ensure compliance for regulated applications.
