Park additionally acclaimed that in-game

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Dark and Darker has not yet alternate to Steam, but in an email to PC Gamer Dark And Darker Gold, Park said that Ironmace wants to get it aback on Valve's belvedere ASAP. "We cannot abstain the bigger PC storefront in the world," he wrote. The aboriginal admission absolution is additionally bald in Korea for now.

"As abundant as it pains us, we won't be able to annual the bold in Korea because we are still apprehension a appraisement from the Korean Bold Appraisement Lath (GRAC)," said Park in a Discord advertisement and blog column today. "We will do aggregate we can to accelerate this activity as we admission already been accustomed ratings from added globally accustomed bold appraisement boards, including the ESRB, PEGI, and CERO."

In the announcement, Park additionally acclaimed that in-game VoIP won't be attainable until Ironmace's accustomed aggregation has active off on third-party and user agreements buying Dark And Darker Gold, and said that "many key appearance are still missing" in this release. Abreast from the bold itself, Aphotic and Darker's new launcher, declared Blacksmith, is additionally a work-in-progress.
