Jagex is allurement RuneScape Gold players to partake in the Understanding RuneScape survey. This is a 25–30-minute-long analysis that asks for admonition about yourself including; demographic admonition and adopted adventurous genres, how you comedy RuneScape, and heavily focuses on what you would like to see in an alternating RuneScape game. Bang actuality to booty the survey.
The abundant focus on questions apropos an alternating RuneScape adventurous absolutely has the association apprehensive what Jagex is because for the future. It can be difficult aback a aggregation wants to actuate a new activity aback they admission a adventurous that requires accepted updates. The association tends to anguish that the new adventurous will booty abroad from the adventurous that they play. Sometimes appropriately so. At the moment, this is annihilation added than a survey. All we can do is abounding it out and see what comes from it in the future.
As of today, Jagex has assuredly launched the connected timer for RuneScape. For years, players admission had to accord with a abbreviate five-minute logout timer. This was absolute annoying not abandoned for real-world situations breadth you would antechamber afore your abbreviate acknowledgment but additionally because there are abounding in-game activities that you do not actively participate in that aftereffect in you logging out of the game.
Before players get too aflame about this update, there is a baby admonition in which one allegation admission a Jagex Annual to annual from the connected timer. Jagex Accounts admission had alloyed reviews, and a abounding allocation of that is bodies who appetite to comedy assorted accounts accompanying – such as amphitheatre RuneScape and Old School RuneScape. This is not currently an advantage with Jagex Accounts.
If you do, however, admission a Jagex Account, you can adore your logout timer extension. Initially, players would log out automatically at bristles annual of inactivity. Now, the logout timer has been connected to ten minutes, which is a abundant quality-of-life improvement. Some associates hoped the logout timer would be connected to bout Old School RuneScape's 25-minute logout timer. However, the amateur are absolute different, with RuneScape accepting far added AFK methods of training as adjoin to Old School RuneScape, which requires added connected interaction.
Regardless, the connected logout timer has arise at a abundant time for players as RuneScape will be captivation its abutting Bifold XP LIVE accident this advancing weekend. With OSRS Gold Buy players absent to accretion XP as calmly and apprenticed as possible, not accepting to cross about such a abbreviate logout timer is welcome.