The High Power Directional Ruijie Outdoor AP To Meet The Factory Storage Environment

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Depending on the situation, the workshop area can use the Ruijie access point to achieve wireless coverage and return data from scanning guns and intelligent terminals within a height of 5M.

Depending on the situation, the workshop area can use Ruijie access point to achieve wireless coverage and return data from scanning guns and intelligent terminals within a height of 5M.


However, if the height exceeds 5M and there are many shelf obstructions, directional Ruijie outdoor AP needs to be used to achieve coverage, high power, and installation height to meet the needs of the factory and storage environment. At the same time, it is resistant to high temperature, low temperature, dust prevention, waterproof, and IP68 protection level, suitable for the extreme environmental needs of various high-temperature steel mills, cold storage, and flour mills.


For employees accessing the internet, the "one person, one account" WEB authentication scheme can be used instead of the traditional WiFi password input scheme, while the visitor network independent SSID and visitor authentication scheme can be used to isolate them from the office network.


Secure the most important and confidential data of the company's internal OA servers and ERP servers by concatenating a high-performance firewall between the core and exit.


The next generation firewall of the Ruijie Networks series is oriented towards regulations and people-oriented, based on the "people-oriented network" to achieve "intelligent perception". Can achieve access control based on users, resources, and applications.


Supports functions such as deep state detection, external attack prevention, internal network security, traffic monitoring, webpage filtering, and application layer filtering, effectively ensuring network security.
