You want to merch items that are stable in the event that it makes sense. Something that rises and drops without warning. To know when things RS gold are likely to fluctuate or change outside of this period, be sure to check for big changes like weekend xp doubles or new quests. Try to sell items alot of people use to improve their skills, and do it in bulk.
If you buy on an exchange, I usually go about 5%- 10% lower than the median price. Then, you can sell it once the price rises for at least 5%-10% higher, or you can create yourself a "wholesale" price which is likely to draw more attention to selling outside of the g.e.
If you don't see something buy or sell right away, don't be stressed. If it's not a purchase then it's likely because you're buying at a low price, and the only people who don't care and are seeking cash are willing to sell the item for medium. Generallyspeaking, the item will become available at the end of the day.
If it doesn't sell then it's likely to be an item which isn't popular and that means you've selected an unsuitable item, and the amount you've set isn't enough. I wouldn't suggest lowering the price down for at least a day two after you've placed the offer. Keep in mind that merchandising does not happen overnight; it takes lots of patience.
I'd recommend purchasing everything online g.e. If you're working with material that is raw, such as logs, fish herb, etc. I would suggest selling it to the public for one price per unit. If you're selling any other item (basically non-skilling objects) then I'd sell it on the g.e. It might take a while however, this is the best you can do and it's not easy to find someone searching for 10 dragon platelegs, rather than 2k nature runes.
If you're looking to start merchandising, I'd advise at least 10-m in length or greater. One general tip: don't be concerned about getting into debt in the beginning. It is commonplace for everyone. When I first startedout, I lost 6m the first day. If you keep going, you'll come to understand the economy and market of runescape better. I've opted out of merching in favour of skilling. It's an excellent, time-saving method to make money.
So, at level 74 I've already earned 200 quest points, and I've been completing quests since I reached level 15. I'd like to know buy RuneScape gold a recommendation for inventory and equipment (food and potions, etc.) for questing in general. Things to keep close.