The Simple And Rustic Type Eyeglasses Can Be Considered To the Approachable Wearers

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Natural style, with a simple appearance and relatively plain facial features. There is not too much glamour or charm, but rather a generous and approachable style, with some athlete-like temperament. When choosing the cheapest eyeglasses, one should lean towards a simple and rustic type.

Natural style, with a simple appearance and relatively plain facial features. There is not too much glamour or charm, but rather a generous and approachable style, with some athlete-like temperament. When choosing the cheapest eyeglasses, one should lean towards a simple and rustic type.


A thinner border, softer shape, and lighter colors will make people with a natural style more fresh and natural. Don't choose flashy and exaggerated styles, as they may make people feel overwhelmed and weaken their facial features, losing their charm.


Having a unique and fashionable appearance gives people the impression of innovation and rebellion, with bony and compact facial features, often accompanied by lively eyes and a straight nose bridge. It is better to choose more popular and unique glasses.


Mediocre, too ordinary traditional discountglasses, with no fashionable edges, will make avant-garde girls look inferior in temperament. Anti-traditional, not too regular in shape. A type with more innovative colors can highlight one's fashion and uniqueness.


After determining the style, what needs to be done is to choose a pair of glasses that make the face shape look closer to the perfect face shape. The facial shape is divided into three parts: from the hairline to the eyebrow bone, from the eyebrow bone to the base of the nose, and from the base of the nose to the lower jaw.


If the upper court is too short, it is necessary to consider using discountglasses to shift the focus of the line of sight downwards and provide sufficient extension space for the forehead to increase the effect of the upper court. The glasses with lower frames have the illusion of expanding the upper atrium because there is no upper frame to block the extension of the upper atrium.

