What's the difference between a blockchain browser and a regular browser

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We know that when we conduct digital currency transactions, we can query our transaction information through search the blockchain browser. However, each blockchain has its own blockchain browser, and we cannot conduct cross-chain queries through the blockchain browser. For example, the Et

We know that when we conduct digital currency transactions, we can query our transaction information through search the blockchain browser. However, each blockchain has its own blockchain browser, and we cannot conduct cross-chain queries through the blockchain browser. For example, the Ethereum blockchain browser can only query Ethereum blocks, and cannot query Bitcoin blocks through the Ethereum blockchain browser.


  1. Home page introduction

(1) Latest block

A blockchain can be simply understood as a new block connected to an old block in chronological order, sequenced in turn.


Height: indicates the number of blocks in this block chain. The highest height represents the newest block.


Announcer: Indicates that the mining pool has successfully exploded the block


Size: Indicates the amount of data in this block


Block return: represents the Bitcoin block return, that is, the return of this mining pool, in addition to the fixed reward of 12.5 BTC, but also includes the transaction fee during this period. And the larger the block size, the higher the block yield.


(2) Real-time computing power and network status of the mining pool

The real-time computing power of the mining pool can be understood as the computing power data of the current major mining pools, and it is not necessary to understand.


The whole network computing power and the whole network difficulty, each Tincome can also not need to understand. What we need to focus on are unconfirmed transactions and the current best fees.


Unconfirmed transactions: BTC network congestion has been the norm, if the number of unconfirmed is large, the account will certainly be very slow at the time of transaction, to be prepared psychologically.


Current best Fee: This has to do with how much each of us transfers money. If you are in a hurry, you can refer to this value to fill in the miner's fee so that the transaction time is not too long.


Since the BTC network is congested, it is likely that when we trade, we will encounter a situation that has not arrived for a long time, and we want to know where our coins are, we can query them through the transaction ID or Bitcoin address .


  1. Query transaction information by transaction ID

If someone is transferring money to you, or you are transferring money to someone else, there is a long delay or you need to see the details of the transaction, you can check the transaction ID (transaction hash).


(1) The content that can be queried by the transaction ID

The block height, number of confirmations, miner's fee of this transaction;

The input of the transaction (the number of coins issued by the issuer) and the output (the number of coins received by the receiver);

The address of issue and receipt of this transaction.


(2) How to query

Enter the transaction ID in the search input box and click Search. The details of the transaction will appear.


Among them,

Number of confirmations: refers to the number of blocks that contain the transaction record.


Usually, when we transfer money, there will be a situation that has not arrived for a long time, that is, because the number of confirmed transactions may not reach the number set by the other party. For example, some exchanges require 6 confirmations before showing the account, because after 6 confirmations, the possibility of 51% attacks is very small, and it can be regarded as a reliable transaction.


  1. Query transaction information by bitcoin address

When you want to know the amount of bitcoin and transactions of others, you can query through the Bitcoin address.


(1) What can be queried through the Bitcoin address

The number of bitcoins at this address;

The number of transactions at this address;

Transaction records for this address.


(2) How to query

Enter your Bitcoin address in the search box and click Search. The information for this address will appear.


Click on the transaction ID to view the details of the transaction.
