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Another way to acquire them is to negotiate a deal you can negotiate through NPC Watson within Hosidius House OSRS Gold. The NPC will exchange his Master Clue Scroll against four other scrolls - Easy Medium, Elite, and Hard. This is a great way to eliminate scrolls are not able to complete. If you're stuck on a specific puzzle that you cannot solve, you can hand the puzzle to Watson and then farm it for the next one to start over.

There is also the possibility that you might receive you receive a Clue Scroll drop from skilling. The probability of getting one is contingent on the quality of the materials you're working with. As an example, if you are woodcutting, you will be able to collect Clue Scrolls more often from Yew trees than regular ones.

Also, when you are Mining is your goal, you'll get more clues coming from Runite rock than from Iron. In the course of skilling, you will have the chance of having a 28.5 percent chance of getting an Easy or Beginner Clue Scroll, 21.4 percent chance of Medium ones, 14.2% for a Hard one, and 7.1 percent chance of getting Elite.

Another method of acquiring Clue Scrolls (and probably the fastest) is to buy Implings that were caught in a jar. Unlocking the containers may bring about the possibility of a Clue Scroll reward. If you'd like to quickly gain access to Treasure Trail of your choice it is possible to go this route. The downside is that this option is very expensive. You'll need to pay lots of money if would like to acquire quality difficulty scrolls that aren't found in Jars.

Although clues from this class have the lowest requirements However, there are handful of drops that could be very valuable. First of all, you'll have the chance to get a reward from a unique drop table . This is at the rate of 1/24 per drop you get RS3 Gold. If you get three drops, this leaves you with a 1/8 chance of receiving a unique.
