It's a bit odd to me that for bossing at my level being able to purchase multiple levels

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It's a bit odd to me that for bossing at my level being able to purchase multiple levels

This is the reason you must be Buy RuneScape Gold

I'm here to discuss the many advantages of bossing. well of course its not gonna be useful at first, however once you reach an acceptable level of combat, things get better. Benefits ---- by being bossy, you'll slowly increase the value of your bank. It's great that you can have a variety of drops and not get bored. After a few months of bossing, I can promise you plenty of turmoil (maybe maybe even 99), and an yak (charms too), as well as professional equipment, 99 magic and range deending about the way you spend your money.

A boss or high ranking person can give you riches such as the divine sigil, god of wars dungeon items, and even torva armor. It's not even necessary to be a herb-lover, as most teams do not require overloads.

You can get more kills by using the fire cape/bandos armor/ chaotic weapons. This can help you save money on expensive party hats. You can save money by using effigies that bosses will drop (ONLY SOLO'S). Individuals with less experience can be trusted to do massive tasks for bosses. They can also get great lootshares.

Disadvantages----Takes extremely long to see drops such as a sigil from corp or torva armour from nex and can get frustrating but the effort is well worth it. Once you have more requirements, such as extremes and chaos or weapons that are chaotic and weapons, you will not see a lot of drops. It will then become simpler to join teams that are good. Consider whether there are any advantages or disadvantages to bossing.

I am level 129 and started playing RS about a month before RS2 was launched officially. Since I was in middle school at the time, it was very simple (and usually just in a few days) to find the opportunity to engage in RS. I'm talking about a normal kid, made good grades and normal sports and so on. However, when you're young there are only so much you can accomplish. In fact I was the first person to have DSL in my region back then (I still have it fuuuu.png) So why not give it a shot? My 11-year-old self learned so much about computers from the game.

I'm not here to fill your face with nostalgia. RS released a multitude of major updates in the past year. They include chaos weapons and godwars. nex. corp, and turmoil. This doesn't bother me however I do have a lot of other things I don't own. If I had time to play more, these would be all my own.

The thing in RuneScape that has changed the most, is the community. Over the past three years since PKing was removed, the majority of the older players who were part of clans with large numbers have grown up. There's no going back for the new era of players. the wilderness will not change anything. PVP has become a competitive nightmare I'm sorry to add.

PVP has become a series of insults about x, followed by an excuse for x. I find it difficult to find PVM players that don't have LS masses for me. This is due to the fact that I don’t play often enough to have a chaotic weapon or 160M available to purchase chaos.

I don’t mean to offend anyone. I'm just being a woman about it. But I feel that in the last 3-4 years people have gotten so much more serious about runescape and some even to the point of being a bit extreme. I don't have anything against anybody. I've played longer and have even had the pleasure of meeting some awesome 09ers.

It's a bit odd to me that for bossing at my level being able to purchase multiple levels that cost over 100 million is slowly becoming an essential requirement. It's a bit crazy that importing DKs with firebolt was a common practice. RS 3 Gold level of play has been for less than 1/4 of the time that I have and they are really into runescape. I don't like being the random freeplayer that people see and say things like, "wow 99 mage you are a scumbag." However, I think things are getting too serious. I hope that people will be able to understand where I'm coming from.
