One argument is that new bosses require graves

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One argument is that new bosses require graves

Because it is situated in the north The Mage Arena can be dangerous and you may get attacked. Additionally, you cannot fight with the same gear in the event you are attacked. Stolen Creation is a camp dedicated to the worship of and reincarnation by ghosts who haunt the godwars battlefields. The fist is guthix, an ancient battle site that is guarded and maintained by the Druids of Guthix, is where many warriors gather to fight each day, and to gain the Buy OSRS Gold

I understand that activities 2 3 on the list will stay as is, but also realize that Clan Wars does not necessarily have to be wilderness focused-the ability to fight against one another for the purpose of training could easily be relocated to, say the famous Al Kharid duel arena. It is possible to have the mages create some interdimensional portals using the same magic that created POHs (yes, there is an explanation! ), and it is a great idea.

The possibility of stealing the creation could be possible given that the revenants have now been confined to a cave. I believe the central location of the mystic's retreat is the best.

Why is Fist of Guthix required to go? It's located in low-level wilderness. You don't have to carry anything. Teleporting is an option to players. There is a chance that you will get killed, but it will not cost you any money. Personally, I wouldn't have a problem with it.

I was interested to know whether Sir Amik Varze really is a knight. I'm aware that the White Knights (By Guthix I would prefer a different name, similar to the one that the Kinshra have) are an organisation that is both military and political, but in feudal society (yes I know that RuneScape pays no heed whatsoever to the way the country was run, or even the the size of the territory for that matter... the world is way too small) Knights are in the middle, while a king is at the top, only beaten by an emperor.

Amik would have a peerage in the event that he was the head of the King's horse. Burthorpe could then be considered a principality. But, I believe the principality is vast and Burthorpe is just its capital.

The Kinshra were exiled from Falador and also from the mountains (I'm pretending that there is an area of mountains that separates Asgarnia from Misthalin from Wilderness... it seems strange to have one mountain by itself) Therefore, I'm guessing that Daquarius is the leader of the Kinshra becomes a marquis.

This makes sense, as Sir Amik is an Lord. Also what is the reason Sir Amik merely a knight compared to Daquarius, a Lord? What do you think? Can a knight be allowed to run the kingdom as a ruler? Sorry for the unrelated bits. I simply copied and pasted it from a RSOF posting.

The grave issue isn't clear for me. For those who don’t know, it's an assumption that gravestones won’t be blessed and people will steal you loot. I can't believe it was true prior to 2007. There was no grace period of six minutes to collect your items.

One argument is that new bosses require graves. Really? Tormented Demons are the new boss that was launched in 2008, as far as I'm aware and even when duo me and my partner do bless (well he blesses me and he's yet to die :D ) I can always return in three minutes. So the whole grave stone bless arguement holds nothing here and it doesn't matter whether your grave is blessed or not, you can still get back.

Corpreal Beast has, however, been designed to not utilize gravestone mechanics. I'm sure Jagex took a look at this and was ashamed of the care bear bosses who were hesitant to take risks and created the decision to not RS3 Gold gravestones. So you have 2 minutes to get back to your belongings, and there's no reason why you shouldn't stay before it becomes the stuff of the public.
