Amik, if he was Buy OSRS Gold over the king’s steed surely he would be able to have a peerage such as the Grand Duke? This would also make Burthorpe a principality (I'm thinking that the principality is huge and that the town is the capital of it).
The Kinshra were exiled from Falador and also from the mountains (I'm pretending that there is an area of mountains that divides Asgarnia from Misthalin from Wilderness... it is odd to have a single mountain by itself) Therefore, I'm guessing that Daquarius, leader of the Kinshra is made a marquis.
He is the lord of this title, which makes sense. Why is Sir Amik thought of as to be a knight, even though Daquarius is a lord? What do you think? Is it possible for a knight to run a kingdom as the ruler? Sorry for the unrelated bits. I simply copied and pasted it straight from an RSOF posting.
I find the grave situation to be completely absurd. For those not familiar, it is the argument that grave stones will not be blessed because people will steal your money. I'm not sure what's wrong with that even though it was pre-2007 exactly the same but there wasn't a 6-minute grace period for picking your possessions.
One argument that has been discussed is that the emergence of new bosses requires graves, does it? Are you seriously? Tormented Demons was an incoming boss in 08 and I'm not aware of any. However, when I duo me with my partner, I bless him (well I bless him, but and he's not yet dead). I am able to return in less than 3 minutes. The whole gravestone blessing argument is nonsense in this case, it doesn't matter if your RS 2007 Fire Cape is blessed or not, you can still get back.
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