They have stated that Diablo 4 is currently in the works

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Hey let's be honest the cinematic is as usual Thumbs to your Diablo 4 Gold team but I'm sorry I will not be downloading this match. As far as I have enjoyed playing with the Diablo series over the years (yes 3) I cannot see myself ever needing to play it on my phone at work, o


Hey let's be honest the cinematic is as usual Thumbs to your Diablo 4 Gold team but I'm sorry I will not be downloading this match. As far as I have enjoyed playing with the Diablo series over the years (yes 3) I cannot see myself ever needing to play it on my phone at work, on the commute or around the bog, it's just not that kind of game. I believe a far greater use of your time and our cash Blizzard could have been spent making us a D4 on the PC (in which the vast majority of your gamers play) or a completely new venture ( I am sure you have an assortment of fantastic individuals biting at the bit to reveal case anew idea for a game). Ah well here is hoping you might listen ...

They have stated that Diablo 4 is currently in the works. They aren't ready to reveal off it. Nevertheless, I think just like Nintendo failed with Metroid Prime 4 at E3 this past year, it should have teased. Point is, I do not think we could say that they aren't currently doing exactly what people want with it. Games require time. I believe it was a misfire the way Diablo IV was presented by them . They might have announced it ahead of Blizzcon by stating they're creating a Diablo mobile game and then show it. That would have tempered expectations a whole lot. Rather it all they spoke about regarding Diablo when they rather hyped up that Diablo has been getting a huge announcement at Blizzcon. It's pretty poor planning and bad presentation and it makes sense.

I know nearly everyone hates that this game is mobile but I'm happy it's. I grew up playing Diablo and that I was in an accident that broke my neck leaving me. I will use my telephone readily although I have a very hard time playing console games. The fact it's on mobile lets me play Diablo and I thank blizzard. Not trying to start anything, I'm just sharing my piece. What's sad is people are gont perform this and it is likely gonna become a hit... they don't care about their current fans. Mark my words this sport will blow on mobile and they are all gont be laughing at the money coming in. But that will not be true and it is known by them.

The graphic design of Diablo 3 already looked like it's made for kids, like from a children's narrative, with it's bright & colorful color schemes and soft & friendly 3d models. Take a look at Diablo 2 & 1. It is dark, depressive savage wicked medieval setting that is dreary. It was fantastic. Same is true for background sound/music. D1 was disturbing (and I loved it). They turned many awesome games of the 90s which had a fairly brutal and dark design into games to get children/kids today, which is simply too sad. (just to sell more copies by producing a wider reach of possible buyers.)

No its not your english that sucks... He's correct EA made a cellular game buy Diablo IV Gold of a great frenchise last season that I guess, and this is the very same, genre doesn't need to be the same its a significant AAA gambling frenchise being announced for cellular platform like a genuine proper big game. But all of us know it sucks ass because everyone and cellular games play, and there's money. Do not fucking play wise ass to people while you have close to not one first idea, stop judging other people's ideas its not cool and you do not seem smart.
