What is the best way to begin splash training? It is necessary to OSRS gold modify your gear setup and remove all magic bonuses, including your Magic Strength so that you have negative magic stat. To accomplish this, you'll need to own one of the two sets of the gear as shown below. You should gear your full plate set that includes a kite shield and Green dragonhide vambraces (-10 Magic) or Cursed Goblin Staff.
Leveling up your Ranged to 40 levels and equipping vambraces offers players the chance to acquire one of the staves with elemental properties. This helps save runs, however if your want to level up Ranged and you're able to spending more money - Cursed Goblin Staff will be sufficient. The table below provides the different levels of exp needed to level up.
Take note that this method is generally slow and time is needed. For example, getting all the way up to 99 using Fire Strike could take roughly 1000 hours (almost 42 days!). There's a reason it's hard to find YouTube videos on splash magic skilling. This is the exact reason this method is recommended only to players at a lower level and those who are able to fake a lot.
At the level of 4 in Magic, players in RuneScape are able to Enchant Bolts. This is a wonderful method to level Magic that can cause small losses or even profit at times. It can be used as alternative to High Alchemy which is more click-intensive than charming. You can earn up to 300k exp every hour for higher levels of clicking abilities instead of doing this by itself.
Okay, maybe I'm lying perhaps. There is no simple way to runescape 3 gold become a magic 99 player in RuneScape, as time and patience is required. However, we'll tell you how to become a skilled wizard faster in more efficient method than simply learning and exploring.