Mmoexp Skull and Bones Items: How to Determine Wind Direction

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Check settlements and traders for commodities marked as "highest in demand" to earn more silver. Conversely, avoid selling items with a red downward arrow, as they fetch lower prices. Timing your sales based on demand can significantly boost your profits.

Sell Commodities in Demand
Check settlements and traders for commodities marked as "highest in demand" to earn more silver. Conversely, avoid selling items with Skull and Bones Items a red downward arrow, as they fetch lower prices. Timing your sales based on demand can significantly boost your profits.

How to Determine Wind Direction
Your ship's speed is affected by wind direction, indicated by an arrow on your speed dial. A green arrow means you're sailing with the wind, increasing speed, while a red arrow indicates sailing against it, slowing you down. Always consider the wind direction to optimize your navigation and combat tactics.

Raising Ship Rank
Starting with a basic Dhow, you will soon unlock blueprints for more powerful ships. Each ship has a rank, akin to a gear score, with a maximum of five. To increase your ship's rank, equip it with better weapons, hulls, and furniture. Higher-ranked ships are essential for Skull and bones items for sale online surviving late-game encounters with tougher enemies.
