If you're insistent on getting an 1h wep

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Given your low number of cb stats, I'd advise you to kill chickens to the level of 10 str. After that, you should kill cows until lvl20 str atk and def prior to RuneScape gold even considering dungeoneering. This is because the monsters in the area will stack you.. If you don't can kill them, you'll die... At around 20 lvl melee, you are likely to be able to combat them with enough.

Another thing to consider.. If you're looking to gain combat experience, do not go in the group.. And if u decide to go, ensure your team members are at your combat lvl (or less).. Because the monsters are built on the average lvl of the group.. For instance that if I was your partner, (lvl 91) the monsters would be in the 30s-80s.. In other words, you'll nearly never be able to hit them.. Also, if they try to attack you, you'll quickly die... If you solo it, the vast majority of monsters will surround the lvl you are at...

Now to the main question.. If you're insistent on getting an 1h wep, purchase an Longsword (get the most powerful longsword available)... If u go at lvl 20 atk str, def and a str as i suggested, you cud use the marmo-thingy (or bathus) metal for a armour and wep. Keep in mind that you require unlocking complexity 6 or so to make armour.

If you're really looking at those statistics, you wont get into the top team to play gwd or anything with a lot of players, unless you are in mass. Barrows are a great option for purchasing 70 mage or the range of the black salamander. The way to deal with melee brothers is to cast an ice blast, then sit diagonally to them , and then you can mage them using the salamander for two strikes.

Then you walk behind the sarcophagus and burst then repeat. Kill ahrim and karil the way you would normally. The inventory includes runes and buy osrs fire cape melee weapon (and shield, if you'd like), spade, 3 ish pray pots, dhide to an ahrim in case you do not pray and the rest of the food.

