Beautiful Islamic Baby Girl Names with Meanings | The ParentZ

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Discover a curated list of beautiful Islamic baby girl names at The ParentZ. Each name comes with its meaning and cultural significance, helping you choose the perfect name that reflects your faith and values. Visit us for inspiration and expert guidance in selecting a meaningful name for

Choosing a name for your baby girl is a special and meaningful journey. Islamic baby girl names offer a rich blend of tradition, culture, and deep meanings. Whether you’re looking for a name with spiritual significance or a beautiful sound, Islamic names provide a wonderful variety to choose from.

The Beauty of Islamic Names

Islamic baby girl names often carry significant meanings and are chosen from Arabic origins or inspired by the Quran. Names like "Ayesha," meaning alive and well, and "Fatima," meaning captivating, are not only beautiful but also have historical and spiritual significance. These names often reflect virtues, qualities, and blessings that parents hope to see in their daughters.

Popular Islamic Baby Girl Names

Many Islamic names are timeless and remain popular across generations. Names like "Zainab," meaning fragrant flower, and "Maryam," meaning beloved, are cherished for their elegance and profound meanings. These names honor important women in Islamic history, providing a connection to cultural heritage and spiritual values.

Unique and Modern Names

If you’re looking for something unique yet meaningful, there are many modern Islamic baby girl names to consider. Names like "Arwa," meaning graceful, and "Lina," meaning tender, offer a fresh twist while maintaining their cultural roots. These names are gaining popularity for their simplicity and beautiful meanings.

Choosing the Perfect Name

When selecting an Islamic baby girl name, consider the meaning, pronunciation, and significance. A name is not just a label; it’s a gift that will stay with your child for life. To explore a wide range of beautiful Islamic baby girl names and their meanings,  This resource provides detailed information to help you find the perfect name.


Islamic baby girl names are rich in meaning and cultural heritage. Whether you prefer a traditional name or a modern one, these names carry deep significance and beauty. Choosing an Islamic name for your baby girl is a wonderful way to honor your faith and heritage, giving her a name that she can cherish throughout her life.
