What Is On-Page SEO? How To Do It?

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Unlock the power of On-Page SEO to boost your website's visibility and attract organic traffic. Learn the strategies and importance of On-Page SEO in our comprehensive blog.

You would’ve searched many things on search engines, and you would’ve seen how some websites appear at the top. Ever wondered why they appear on top? Well, it isn’t a wonder but logic and strategy. Search engines help those websites in ranking which implements SEO, and most especially - On-Page SEO

It helps in attracting organic traffic and increases visibility. In this blog, we’ll learn more about On-page SEO which will help you understand it better and create a robust strategy.

What Is On-page SEO

On-page SEO is when you optimize your web pages and the content on your website to help the search engine and users understand your website better. On-page SEO helps in ranking your website higher on search engines as well as bringing traffic to your website.

At first, it may look easy to understand and even easier to implement but if it was, why would some need On-Page SEO Service Providers in the first place? 

On-page SEO includes many tasks like content optimisation, link building, schema Markup and technical SEO. All these tasks collectively enhance user experience as well as make it easier for search engines to understand and rank your website.

Why Is On-Page SEO Important

On-page SEO is important for your website - or, you can say it’s the core of SEO. Without On-page SEO, it isn’t quite possible to gain visibility or ranks on search engines. Here is why it’s so important -


When you optimize on-page, it becomes easier for search engines to understand the content on your website and rank it in relevant searches. When your website ranks, it gets more clicks, traffic and visibility.

Improved User Experience

Do you think you can win by just looking good at the search engines? You’re wrong. The one whom you should be pleased with is the user. When your website has a clear structure, more information and a fast loading speed, it wins the interest of the user and gives them a wonderful experience. 

Brand Authority

When you optimize your website with high-quality and valuable content and provide users with information, you emerge as a leader in the industry. This helps in building trust and helps your brand get authority and it is known as a useful and reliable resource.

How To Do On-page SEO

Now you know how important On-page SEO is? How to do it? We’ll tell you how!

Content Is The Core 

The core of On-page SEO is content - this is the universal truth. The strength of your website, the effectiveness of On-page SEO and the visibility of the website depend on the content, So, to make your content compelling, focus on the information you provide, its structure and how well it delivers to the user’s needs.

Include fresh content that’s both valuable and engaging. Including relevant keywords and using them naturally in the content helps in appearing on the SERPs. Additionally, include headings, subheadings and good content structure for boosting SEO.

Technical Aspects

The technical aspects of On-page SEO. Some of them are a part of the content itself while others help in making the website more attractive and engaging. Here’s what you should do - 

  • Create Title Tags & Meta Descriptions: Title tags and descriptions act like the introducer, which introduces your content to the search engines. When you include target keywords and make it compelling, the search engines as well as the users are attracted to it.

Similarly, The meta description is like a small summary for your users and search engines to understand your content by taking a look from the outside. So, make it compelling if you want them in! 

  • Image Optimization: Images enhance your website's visual appearance, but make sure to be aware of the technical side. To optimize your images on the website, use relevant filenames and insert alt tags to describe the image content. 

This helps search engines understand your images, know their relevancy and improve accessibility for visually impaired users.

  • Mobile-Friendly Design: As most people use mobile phones for searching, make sure to make your website mobile-friendly by introducing responsive designs that can adapt to any device or screen size itself to enhance user experience.

  • Internal Linking: Internal linking is a way to promote your own content and help users find more relatable and detailed content on your own website. This helps in increasing the stay time, makes your user return for the detailed content and improves navigation on the website.

Beyond the Basics: All the steps mentioned above are the basics, which will help your website start on its optimized journey but how can you scale up?

  • Focus on providing fast loading speed, easy UI and effortless navigation on the website to enhance user experience.

  • Use Schema Markup to let search engines understand the specific intent of your content.

  • Keep updating the website with fresh content, updating content as well as adopting new SEO practices.

On-page SEO has never been a one-time process. You need to consistently create valuable content, optimize website structure, and prioritize user experience.  SEO is just like a race, the one who’s better, faster and improves regularly is the one who wins. So, don’t rush but improve.
