Step 1: Investigate the Shipwreck Near Hovohovo Settlement
The first task in this investigation is to explore a shipwreck located near the Hovohovo Settlement. This settlement is situated approximately 5,600 meters southwest of Sainte-Anne. To Skull and Bones Items help you locate it, check your map, where the settlement’s position is clearly marked.
Upon reaching Hovohovo, make your way to a small island just west of the settlement. Here, you'll find the Large Compagnie Shipwreck. Simply interact with the shipwreck to advance the investigation.
Step 2: Sink La Paradis Near Fort Louis
Your next objective is to track down and sink a ship named La Paradis, a formidable Level 4 vessel. Fort Louis is located about 1,230 meters southeast of Hovohovo, and La Paradis can be found sailing slightly south of the outpost.
To locate La Paradis, use your spyglass to scan the area for the ship. Once you’ve identified it, engage in combat and sink it to Skull and bones items for sale cheap complete this part of the investigation. Be prepared for a tough fight, as La Paradis is a powerful opponent.