How to Clean and Protect Your Outdoor Furniture

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Outdoor furniture looks great in a backyard – unless it’s corroded with rust, gunk, and yuck. Then it’s a major eyesore. Bring the beauty back into your yard with

Outdoor furniture looks great in a backyard – unless it’s corroded with rust, gunk, and yuck. Then it’s a major eyesore. Bring the beauty back into your yard with these outdoor Modern Leisure Chair furniture cleaner tips to quickly and easily get rid of the ugly rust, stains and built-up junk.

Cleaning Wicker and Wood Furniture

Keep in mind that wicker needs to be hosed down every few weeks to prevent the build-up of dust, especially in crevices and other hard-to-clean places. Wood, on the other hand, needs to be wiped down regularly – but it still needs care to prevent the buildup of dirt, grime, and other potentially harmful stains. Never use a power washer on your wooden and wicker outdoor furniture, no matter how tempting it may be!

Never clean wood and wicker with harsh or aggressive chemicals. When cleaning wood, it is best to use a very mild oil-based soap (e.g., Murphy’s Oil Soap) mixed with some warm water. Another approach is to mix about ¼ cup of ammonia and 2 tablespoons of white vinegar in a quart of warm water. This can be used on wicker as well, but it needs to be diluted. You may need to use a toothbrush to get into the weave of wicker. You can also clean weather-beaten wood with dry dishwashing detergent rubbed on the surface with a soft brush, followed by conditioning with vegetable oil.


Cleaning –To clean your Teak outdoor furniture, mix 1 cup of bleach or vinegar with 1 gallon of water and scrub it with soft bristle brush.

Preservation – Teak is a wood that is very hard, and care depends on whether you want it to look bright and new, or like the weathered look for your outdoor furniture. You can keep it stained, varnished and weather treated, or you can let the natural preservation of the wood keep it from rotting and let it turn gray and weathered.

Storage – Teak furniture can be left outdoors if the weathered look is what you like, but if you want it to stay new looking bring it indoors during harsh weather.

Plastic and wrought iron: Mix water and a mild dishwashing detergent and wipe all plastic and wrought-iron Inshare furniture with the mixture and a damp cloth. Hose down to rinse and repeat every three weeks.

Aluminum: Wipe aluminum furniture with a damp cloth and mild dishwashing detergent. Use a Soft Scrub brush to remove any scuff marks and rinse with a hose.

Fabric and canvas cushions: Vacuum all cushions and saturate all sides with a mixture of 1 tbs. dishwashing detergent, 1 tsp. Borax, and 1 quart of warm water. Let the mixture sit for 30 to 45 minutes before using a soft bristled brush on stains. Rinse well, let dry, and repeat every three to four weeks.

outdoor Umbrellas: Use a bristled brush to remove any loose dirt. Mix ¼ cup of laundry detergent with 1 tbs. of Borax or baking soda and warm water. Let the mixture soak for 30 minutes and rinse well with a hose or bucket. Allow the fabric to dry partially before opening entirely.

Canvas Furniture / Sling Furniture

Cleaning – Brush the loose dirt off to clean canvas outdoor furniture. Then mix 1 tsp. Dawn Dishwashing Detergent, and 1 tsp. Borax with 1 quart of warm water. Saturate the surface of the cushions on both sides with the solution. Wait a while, use a soft bristle brush on stains. Rinse with water and let dry.

Storage – Store outdoor furniture with canvas sling seats indoors during the winter.

These are just a few simple steps in caring for your rattan furniture. If followed correctly, these can help you to protect your rattan and ensure that it stays in great shape for a long time, you can click to learn more, Insharefurniture Modern Leisure Chair Manufacturer is an ideal choice for your garden, home and office.
