It could seem like a simple task

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It could seem like a simple task. But keep in mind that until you obtain the monkey greegree Ape Atoll will always remain one of the more hazardous areas within the game. Bring plenty of food or  OSRS gold antipoison medicines, an emergency teleports, and other supplies that are necessary. Without these, do not step a foot in there. Of course, we are on your side and we would like to see you succeeding as well as getting through, so you should consider turning off the auto Retaliate and using prayers for protection, since it can increase your odds significantly.

4 chapters. Do you want to complete this goal? You must pass them all.

These are the paths that you'll have to travel in the course of your quest.

Chapter 1

Things you need: At least 3 inventory space free and a the ranged attack to kill monkey bones even if you don't have.

Begin by talking to King Narnode and talk to King Narnode and ask him to talk to you. In accordance with his instructions, you'll have to search Glough's old shipyard and look for any signs of the missing 10th Squad. You will also receive your Gnome official seal. That's it, next stop - Karamja. If you need the glider, purchase it at near the summit of the Grand Tree to Karamja (Gandius). You can grab one or two monkey bones from nearby animals in the west if you do not have one of those bones or an animal corpse. Next , you should talk to G.L.O. Caranock He is located in the Shipyard to the north of glider landing area. More specifically, this gnome is waiting for you near the fence within the building that is located in the south-facing area within the Shipyard. Don't be stunned at first, as he will advise you to return back to the King, which may be a bit suspicious. Make use of the glider to go back to King. You will be provided with Narnode's instructions and he will direct you to talk to Daero. In the Grand Tree at the 1st floor, you will find an ATM. This could be your final chanceto make it happen, so take it wisely . Take antipoison potions, food and other items (please look up above). Your next point of contact is the head tree guardian named Daero. He is located near Blurberry Bar, which is located on the first floor in the Grand Tree. Make sure you check all chat options and then just inform him that you're ready to leave. You'll be taken away to an underground hanger after which he will blindfold you. You will have to talk to Daero again, as this time, he'll reveal you to Waydar. There is a need to complete a "reinitialisation" puzzle afterwards. This can be accomplished by pressing the button in the southeast, to the south by an southwestern glider. To view the solution players may take control pieces from an adjacent crate.

Find the solution to the sliding challenge.

Move the 1. 2 and 3 towards in the left upper corner into their proper positions.

Make sure to move the 4 in the top right-hand corner.

Put the 5 under the 4

Drag the 4. to your left and the 5 up; that's the beginning of the row completed.

Repeat the process for the next row , but leave the row that is above in place.

Then, you can solve the final two rows completely. Work left to right and finish the last two rows using 2 columns high tiles.

This is the solution to the reinitialization puzzle.

If you ever took for the Treasure Trails activity, you quickly realize it's very similar and the puzzle that slides will appear easy to complete. If you think it is a waste time, or if you're unable solve it due to some reason that's fine, just bring 200.000 coins to Glough. Glough is still in the exact spot where it was his home during the Grand Tree quest. If you choose to pay Glough then quickly return to the hangar with Daero; Glough will do the heavy lifting for you (just do not be ashamed since you've paid for it, surely?) and will leave you with only one tile left to slide to complete it. It is possible to pretend that you've done it all by yourself. Begin by talking to Daero and then talk to Waydar. He will take you straight towards the Crash Island, where the 10th Squad crash landed. Look for Lumdo and request him to sail up to Ape Atoll. You will get a response from him not in the manner you'd like, as he has conflicting orders from his sergeant Garkor and will refuse to accept you. That's where the Waydar comes in. Contact him, but take care for some scorpions with poisonous venom the left of his face. Then, talk to the Lumbo again. He'll be more accommodating and will agree to take the passengers to Ape Atoll.

Chapter 2

It is possible to go all stealth until Chapter 4 ,,The Final Battle" because there is no necessary combat until that point, unless you choose to shoot with guns.

Part 1

There are no items required. There are however some items we suggest taking: Lock picks for the cell door, food that is high-healing knives for healing off the mentioned pineapple plants, and some form of poison defense. If you're able use them all you'll thank us later!

Caranock talks to the foreman.

Take note that if you'd like to replenish your inventory of items you are able to flee or teleport to Ape Atoll at any point. So long as you'll be in human form All creatures (except those of Level 5 Birds) will try to attack if you come close to them. You can avoid poisonous snakes and spiders by heading west of southern coast of Ape Atoll. If you decide to take this path and happen to encounter an animal, you can stay clear of it by just waiting to move.

Once your reach the Atoll then head towards the west, and then stick to the southern coastline. When you've reached the mahogany tree, take the path to north. Be extra prepared, because you may be attacked by scorpions that are aggressive levels 38 levels 42 and 42. jungle spiders, and snakes of level 24. You must consider activating Protect from Missiles once your reach the Ape Atoll gate, as the poisoned bullets will begin pelting your way. When you arrive at your destination, you will be taken out of the area and put in prison. Aberan along with Trefaji have been assigned as the guards that will be guarding the cell in which you awake. There will also be arrested 10th Squad members. Talk to one specifically. The name of the person is Lumo. If you get too close to the wall of the northern cell and the guards are likely to hit you with a punch to cause some injuries. Be vigilant of the guards patrolling the cell. When the guard closest to the cell is removed from the door, pick off the lock and leave. Watch for the guard to go out and switch on the switch and then follow him to the exit. Don't get discouraged if don't get it right on the initial attempt, as it might take several attempts.

After you've left the prison, continue to travel to the east until you meet members of the 10th Squad, named Karam. Karam is hiding in the bushes and is difficult to locate Therefore, make sure you look out. You should stay in the grass and head south past the big door. While it is possible to keep you safe, you should consider activating Protect from Missiles to avoid any damage that is not necessary from the monkey archers. Move south until you find an officer of the 10th Squad, named Garkor.

Garkor's Location is shown in blue.

When you are talking to Garkor Make sure you don't be able to close the conversation until the point where he asks you to meet Zooknock. Keep Protect from Missiles activated and continue to walk north until you come to the doorway.

Once you have entered the home Make sure you don't step out of the dark brown soil, or you could end up in the jail again. Inside , you'll be attacked by poisonous and aggressive spiders. However, you must be sure to keep the antipoison as their poison will only kill one. You may choose bananas as alternatives. You can find them in the crates that are next to the ladder.

The layout of the jail.

Explore the crates located in the middle of the room and take out the dentures of a monkey. Make sure you stay on the brown, dark floor. The sleeping guard may call the guards if you choose to cheap RuneScape gold  speak with him. In other circumstances, he puts you in nothing.

Locate the crate at the south-easternmost point. Recover before entering the cavern below, since you'll suffer damage If you fall down. The damage could be reduced by having your Agility sufficient. Find the crates within the northwest part of the cavern until you find the M'amulet mould.

If you require to replenish your stocks, exit the city by going to the south-east corner of it. Reach the ladder by running through the gravedigger as well as the guards. Head back to the boat and head to Crash Island.
