Top 3 Ways to Making WOW Classic Gold 2021

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Managing your money is of greater significance in Classic than it is in retail WoW – not only does it take more effort to earn WOW Classic Gold , you have a greater number of expenses relative to the amount of money

Managing your money is of greater significance in Classic than it is in retail WoW – not only does it take more effort to earn WOW Classic Gold , you have a greater number of expenses relative to the amount of money you’ll passively generate by playing without taking money into consideration.I will list many easy ways to earn gold in wow classic.


As the most relaxing-to-use (or the most boring, depending on how you look at it) profession by far, Fishing allows players to make some easy WoW Classic Gold without the need for gear, level (in most cases), or active farming. This is why many players like to retreat to their favorite fishing spot and just click on the cork from time to time.

The best thing about Fishing in Classic is the fact that many sought-after crafting reagents come exclusively from the seas and rivers of Azeroth. Here are some of the most profitable fish, together with the places where you cand catch them:

Raw Nightfin Snapper - Used in Cooking as the main ingredient for the well-known Nightfin Soup. This fish can be caught only during the Server's nighttime in Moonglade, Un'Goro Crater, Felwood, Feralas, Western Plaguelands, Azshara, Winterspring, Eastern Plaguelands, and other High-level zones, including Raids and Dungeons that feature pools of water. The fact that this fish inhabits only high-level zones means that catching it at low levels might be quite tricky (Druids have it easier thanks to their Teleport: Moonglade).

Stonescale Eel - Alchemy Ingredient used to craft Stoneskin Oil that is, in turn, required for various high-end Alchemy Recipes. Stonescale Eel Swarms can be found along the Western coast of the Stranglethorn Vale and on the northern part of the coast of Tanaris. This fish can also be found in the Bay of Storms, in eastern Azshara, and on the central part of the Feralas's coast.

Deviate Fish - The favorite food of all twinks. This fish is used in the Savory Deviate Delight Recipe and can turn you into a Ninja or a Pirate (at random) when eaten after cooking or provide you with a random buff/debuff when eaten raw. It can only be caught in The Barrens: underground, inside Wailing Caverns and in small pools of water on the surface. The fact that The Barrens is the Horde territory results in Deviate Fish's price disparity between WoW's two factions; it is more lucrative to farm this fish when you are on the Alliance side.

Oily Blackmouth - The main ingredient of Blackmouth Oil, that is required for some of the most popular potions and elixirs (including Free Action Potion and Sweem Speed Potion). Schools of this fish can be found on the coasts of multiple low-level zones: The Barrens, Loch Modan, Darkshore, Silverpine Forest, and Westfall. On top of that, Oily Blackmouth inhabits high-level zones, such as Western Plaguelands, Azshara, Felwood, and Feralas.

Playing the auction house

One of the age-old methods for making money in World of Warcraft is to work the auction house to find profit in buying and selling items. Compared to other methods, however, this requires much more starting money, and involves a risk of losing money if you make the wrong decisions.

There are two main approaches you can take to playing the auction house. The first, classic speculation, involves buying low and selling high – which sounds simple on the surface, but requires an intimate knowledge of the market to make the most of, as selecting the right items involves identifying bargains, understanding where prices might fluctuate, and also buying items with enough demand that you’ll be able to sell them again in a reasonable time.

The second approach is to attempt to monopolize a particular market by buying out all competitors, which then allows you to set a price with a significant profit margin that anyone who wants or needs the item will have no choice but to pay.

Going for a monopoly requires a lot more starting cash, however, and also comes with greater risks. You have to stay on top of the auction house to ensure you’re not being undercut, and if there’s too much supply it might not be realistically possible to maintain your monopoly.

Both of these methods also may not be viable in the early days of WoW Classic, as the market hasn’t had time to settle – there are more players working their way through lower level content, leading to higher supply of items found there, and less demand for higher level items. Players also haven’t had much time to earn gold to spend, and many will be saving for mounts initially.

While particularly savvy traders might spot some unique openings in the opening month of WoW Classic, for most players working the auction house will be a more viable option further down the line once the in-game economy is more stable.


Farm in your off-time. Farming comes in two forms: reagent farming and mob farming. Reagent farming is generally linked to a profession like Herbalism or Mining, but you can also reagent farm while mob farming as many mobs drop usable reagents regularly. When you have free time or want to do something different, consider farming reagents that can be turned into sellable items.

For reagent farming, all classes are generally equal. However, when we consider mob farming, some classes are far superior compared to others. Mages are likely the best mob farmers as they can farm almost anywhere, including in dungeons. This allows them to more rapidly pick up coin, cloth, reagents, greens, and even blues or epics (purples). Other classes that excel at mob farming are Priests (with Holy Nova), Hunters, Warlocks, Protection Paladins, and Elemental Shaman. Some players have even figured out methods to farm with other classes so always be on the lookout for tips in gold farming guides.


Now that you know the basics of the gold making, let’s take a look at tips that will help you save some gold, and get extra profit.

Faction discounts apply to the flyers and trainers as well, so don’t be so quick to throw away newbie quests that you forget to complete – they help out to get reputation and save you some gold in the long run.

Go Swimming – there are often chests at the bottom of lakes as well as mineral nodes that won’t show up on radar until you are submerged.

Minimize Class and Profession training. You should only train what you actually use and need, don’t waste your money on other skills. This logic goes both for class skills and for profession training – if you can get away with some recipes that increase your profession skill, just do it.

Save your money. Be smart and think twice before buying items from the Auction House. It is better to get upgrades from quests or from dungeons. Dungeons, at the same time, are source for gathering BoE items, recipes and BoP items that you will sell to a vendor for a good amount of money, or disenchant them.

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