I believe this just strengthens not only the argument for getting an Automod notify potential new posters of OSRS Gold the'gentleman's agreement', if not formally separating them. You've got a virtual'desire route' going on here where your community has decided to segregate the content, do not you feel you need to hear them? These are all growing pains and nothing else which can not be sorted out with the years, its one thing to say that no one gets the drive or ability to maintain a filter right now but please don't make it outside to be an impossible feat. I also feel like I am in a soviet court house and the bailiff was told to shoot the guy who jaywalked, bro you don't need to delete OSRS or spilled articles in this case just have automod comment on it with information pointing people in the ideal direction.
Unless we are referring to a filter limiting what could be stated on the subreddit I am really confused about why anyone would want to skip a filter that supplies them with advice. Now if allegedlyy'all tried to knock down some key phrases or complaints being thrown around this sub from time to time then yeah it is a'difficulty' (You guys wouldn't be the very first game sub to have it, blink twice if Jagex hasy'all of hostage) for you guys but I do not see a lot of people trying to submit"connection - totally no ph15h guiys" or"I feel this is a p h 1 5 h ing attempt guys" or"look at this cool drop I received on oh ess are ess" so they don't possess a comment on their article out of a bot.
I am just trying to be more thorough in my answers. The email submission filter was seen as a very low priority fix, and these posts were (and still are) getting caught in other filters, therefore it was deemed unneeded for the time being. However, the other filters are not specially designed for those posts, so just a portion are getting flagged. Once more of those important tasks are finished, we'll look at a number of the lower priority ones. It would not require much time to get a configuration set up to start testing a better version. Also, a vast majority of subreddit moderation is not visible openly, so although it might seem that we're not doing anything at times, there is a great deal that goes on behind the scenes in addition to approving/removing articles and comments.
Our concern about filtering in this case is not whether a person will try to skip this, and that remark was to further the point that filters are not always effective. Perhaps mentioning the intentional bypassing was a bit off subject for my previous comment. As mentioned before, the amount of OSRS-specific posts (not relevant to RS3) submitted this is minimal as is, and they do not amount to a prominent portion of our daily posts. However, those articles are redeemed by others which compare or link to both games.
These would likely match the criteria additionally to obtain a reply redirecting them to 2007 Runescape once the intention was to Buy Old School RS Gold post, which is not ideal because it would be irrelevant to this article topic and likely result in complaints. Additionally, if the criteria is too specific, it is unlikely that the few articles that are intended to obtain this reply will activate it. It's much easier for a person to recognize these posts compared to a bot, and setting up it to work as intended is easier said than done for minimal benefit.
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