Diablo 4 Server Slam - All Classes Changes

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Diablo 4 Server Slam - All Classes Changes

All progression made during the early beta period will not be carried over to Server Slam. This means that you'll have all new characters and have to start over, and the level cap this time is capped at level 20 instead of 25. So you will only be able to gain additional points after level 20. On top of this, the legendary item drop rate has been changed to reflect the actual drop rate present at the launch of Diablo 4. This means that you won't be having happy Fountains of Loot like you were legendary wise from the open beta, so we'll get a better idea of how rare these legendary items are, which should be very interesting.

Now, it's also important to note that some changes to the game were taken from the feedback from the open beta. First, the dungeon layouts in the game where you needed to backtrack have been updated to remove a lot of this backtracking. So you should have a lot less backtracking in some of the dungeons. You'll also have a higher chance of random events to spawn inside dungeons. This has increased from 10% to 60%, so you should see many more cool things happening in these dungeons as you play through them.

Second, Stun and Freeze can be applied to Elite monsters twice as long as before, but then they become unstoppable, meaning they will no longer be CC or ccable. So you will adjust how your CC play plays, which is interesting. And they've also changed the legendary powers of the game found on these legendary items. There have been updates to their effectiveness. We're not sure exactly what those are. As the game goes, we'll have to see what those are, but this is a big change, and players will be interested to see how that plays out.

There are class specific changes as well. For instance, the Barbarian has a 10% passive reduction added to their class, which means they will take less damage than other classes, which is exactly what they need since they're the tank character. Other changes are that Whirlwind now deals more damage but consumes more Fury, making it more viable. And the double swing skill enhancement refunds its whole fury cost when used on stunner knockdown enemies.

Regarding the Druid, companion skills will now deal heavily increased damage. I can't wait to see the creeper. This ability was already busted. I'm hoping it's even more busted. All ultimate skills have had their cooldowns reduced. I didn't really use Ultimate Skills much on the Druid, so this is good to see. Usability improvements have been made to Maul and Pulverize. Hopefully that makes killing a wear bear a little bit easier. And using a non shapeshifting skill will instantly transform a Druid into their human form.

Regarding the Necromancer, a nerf here summon minions will die more often. They were tanky in Diablo 4, so this is a good change. Many bonuses in the Book of Dead have had their stats increase. So Book of Dead will impact your character and your minions a bit more. And the damage dealt by corporate explosion has been reduced. Who could have seen that one coming? And the brightness of skeletal warriors and mages has been reduced. This means it'd be harder to see them on the screen, which probably makes it better to see what else was happening on the screen.

Rogue changes are the upgrades for subterfuge skills have had their bonuses increase, multiple passive skills have had their bonuses increase and all imbuement skills have had their cooldowns increase. You won't be able to use Imbuements as often, but everything else about the rogue or not everything, but a lot of things about the road should be improved.

When it comes to Sorcerer, charge bolts damage was increased, and the mana cost has been decreased to make you want to use this more. Chain Lightning got a bit of a nerve. Its damage was reduced, and its reduced effectiveness against bosses. This is one we used in our immortal lightning build. No surprise the disconnect is very strong. The cooldown for the incinerate skills Enchantment Bonus has been reduced, making that more viable.

Firewall will now spawn underneath enemies more frequently when using its Enchantment Bonus. This makes it more viable also and increase the lucky hit chance for the meteor skills enchantment Bonus—some improvements to other areas of the Sorcerer and a big nerfing to Chain lightning.

All in all, these are some good changes that are heading in the right direction. It's good to see they took feedback from that open beta and already implemented it, and we get to see how they've implemented it and give further feedback to see if it's enough changes or not enough changes. These are all good signs.

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