FIFA and Madden Next-Gen Upgrades will be after Ultimate Editions

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The ninth-generation console has brought some major improvements to the gaming experience, but it has also brought new challenges to publishers and developers.

The ninth-generation console has brought some major improvements to the gaming experience, but it has also brought new challenges to publishers and developers. Many companies are now trying to find the best way to release next-generation upgrades for games on old consoles, and other companies are solving this problem for upcoming games. The two most popular sports franchises in Electronic Arts, FIFA and Madden NFL, are about to launch new games, but it seems that PS4 and Xbox One players may need to spend a lot of money to enjoy the next-generation experience.

FIFA and Madden NFL Madden 22 Coins will be another example of the additional costs that next-generation technology will bring to games. The cost of the latest game experience is rising, and the next generation of upgrades to older games may come at a price. Although games like Subnautica provide unconditional next-generation upgrades, FIFA 22 and Madden NFL 22 will be different beasts. For FIFA 22, only players who purchase the $100 Digital Ultimate Edition can get two versions of the game, and players can also buy Madden 22 Coins in the game. Physical copies of Ultimate Edition and all Standard Edition editions will not include the option of next-generation upgrades on Xbox One and PS4.

Madden NFL 22 is more generous, but still expensive for those who want next-generation upgrades. Players can buy the physical or digital version of the MVP version of the game for $100, or buy the Dynasty version for $120 to get the benefits of dual rights. For gamers who don’t want to spend extra money to get upgradeable versions of these EA games, they will have to Buy Madden 22 Coins at full price.

FIFA 22 will be released on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, etc. on October 1. Madden NFL 22 is scheduled to be released on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, etc. on August 20. Players can also prepare Madden 22 Coins in advance to make efforts for their gaming business while looking forward to it.
