The Classic World of Warcraft Best Spec for Leveling Up

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We've ranked the best and fastest classes to use when leveling up from 1 to 60 in the table below

We've ranked the best and fastest classes to use when leveling up from 1 to 60 in the table below. Also, we've created a section dedicated to the Talent Specs we believe are the most effective for the difficult leveling process that is Classic World of Warcraft. Just below that section, you'll find links to our complete guides for each class, as well as our recommended Talent Build to use and farming locations to help you level up faster and easier.

The best leveling class in World of Warcraft Classic is

Prior to providing you with the WOW TBC classic gold Best Leveling Class, let's talk about which classes we believe are the best to choose for leveling. These are ranked according to how quickly and easily you can level up from 1 to 60, regardless of whether you are doing it with a group or by yourself. It is much easier to level up when you can maintain your health and clear mobs of monsters, so classes with AOE damage and the ability to self heal tend to rank higher than classes without these abilities. For Warlock and Hunter classes, you have a pet that can assist you in tanking mobs while you DPS them down, which is a significant advantage when leveling up your character.


Classes for Duo Leveling at the Highest Level

The Best Duo Leveling Classes are those that are recommended for players who intend to play with a group of friends. These rankings take into consideration the synergy between classes as well as how quickly they can level from 1-60 as a group. If you pair a healer with a Warrior, for example, you can tank mobs more effectively, while the Priest deals DoT (Damage Over Time) to mobs, resulting in a powerful combination.

As a party member in classic World of Warcraft, the amount of EXP you gain per mob kill is reduced. The greater the number of players in your group and the closer they are to you, the less EXP you gain per mob kill. These amounts will vary slightly depending on your level and the level of the mobs you kill, with higher level mobs granting slightly more EXP than lower level ones.

The Classic World of Warcraft Best Spec for Leveling Up

This section goes into greater detail as a Classic World of Warcraft Best Spec For Leveling Up Tier List, where certain classes can have a really good spec for leveling up while the other talent specs are more useful in PVP situations. Just below this, you'll find links to our comprehensive leveling guides for each class, which you can read to learn everything you need to know about leveling up quickly. The list includes easy-to-gather weapons, locations where you can farm mobs, as well as the complete talent spec build we recommend for players who are leveling from 1 to 60 in classic World of Warcraft.


While the guide can assist you in leveling up quickly in vanilla World of Warcraft Classic, we recommend that you purchase WOW gold classic from in order to level up quickly in vanilla World of Warcraft Classic and enjoy your game.
