How to Use WalletConnect | Binance Academy

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WalletConnect,walletconnect app download,wallet connect download,wallet connect chrome extension used to provide a connection between different wallets and dApps. The protocol processes an encrypted connection between applications, wallets, and devices.

The ability to connect a wallet to a decentralized application (DApp), which enables the user to interact with DApp transactions, is one of the most important features of DApps. It abstracts features that provide users with a form of authentication, such as switching networks and providing signers. By connecting a wallet to the DApp, clients can make and read transactions on the blockchain as an authorized person using their WalletConnect
, walletconnect application download, walletconnect download, walletconnect chrome expansion, or walletconnect address.

Our DApps have been able to connect to MetaMask, Trust Wallet, Rainbow, and other wallets thanks to the open-source, free WalletConnect protocol. By establishing a connection between the DApp and the wallet and keeping them in sync throughout the session, this protocol abstracts this process.

Using Vue.js as the front end, we will use WalletConnect to connect our wallet app to our DApp in this article. WalletConnect can be used with any DApp, chain, or wallet—custodial or non-custodial—that is wallet-connect compatible.

How to get started with a Vue.js app First, let's start the project with the Vue CLI. If your framework includes the Vue CLI, you can begin developing Vue projects right away.

Global installation is made possible by this command:

Navigate to the new project folder after the project has been created:

cd vue-wallet-connect To connect our Vue app wallet to the blockchain, we will use Ethers.js:

Run npm install ethers here to install the WalletConnect library in your project:

The node-polyfill-webpack-plugin must be installed in Vue 3 before you can use the WalletConnect library directly: Developing the UI: Create a brand-new file with the name StatusContainer.vue in the components folder for WalletConnect, the app download, the extension download, and the extension build using npm install --save web3 @walletconnect/web3-provider. Our main page is contained in this component.

There is a button to associate with the wallet, a button to disconnect, a button to interact with the wallet, and a welcome message. When we successfully connect to a wallet, the Connected button finally appears:

Now, in the src folder, create a new walletConnect folder: src/walletConnect. Let's create a provider.js file in this folder. Our Infura ID is included in our walletconnect app download
library, which is imported, launched, and sold for use in a variety of documents.

Composables are used to implement our functionalities following the successful implementation of our interface and library. We will use Vue composables like Pinia and Vuex to finish this task because they let us use our state and actions in any app component.

When creating a composable, add src/composables/connect to the src folder. In the connect folder, let's create a file called index.js.

Due to their import, watch and reactive will be used in this file. For our defaultState state, an object must be created:

After importing reactive with the "vue" wallet connect chrome extension, watch from WalletConnect.

address: status: defaultState const = "; "; status of chainId: false,

To maintain consistency, we synchronize the state with a nearby stockpiling device. Give this thing the name "userState" in the STATE_NAME variable. When reusing "userState" in WalletConnect, the WalletConnect application download, the WalletConnect download, and the wallet connect downloadchrome extension at various locations, this is done to prevent errors: defaultState is the const state.


