It may be impossible to win back over every original D4

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Reaper brings a few other nice additions to the core game such as new abilities for characters to toy around with as they work through the new new levels (from 60 to 70) and a new artisan Diablo IV Boosting, the Mystic. The Mystic offers players the opportunity to customize loot by reworking specific stats on a piece of gear or changing the aesthetic appearance of an item through transmogrification. The new abilities vary based on class, but across the board they open up a whole new range of rotation options that could totally change the way you play your class. Also, the majority of them are really powerful and cool looking.

It may be impossible to win back over every original D2 fan who felt like D3 just didn't live up to their expectations for a franchise that they grew up playing, but Reaper of Souls does a damn good job trying. The expansion offers a great mix of new content and good reasons to revisit the existing demons in pursuit of better loot. The removal of the auction house, the improved Loot 2.0 system, and Reaper of Souls have put the action RPG franchise back on the right track. Reaper of Souls isn't going to draw in gamers who have never enjoyed the hack-and-slash franchise, but it does deliver nearly every improvement that the community called out for after the launch of Diablo 3. If you are (or ever were) a Diablo fan, Reaper of Souls is plenty worth the $40 price tag.

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls is now available for PCs.

Follow Denny on Twitter @The_DFC.

'Diablo 3' Console Review

Although it has been more than a year since Diablo 3 was released on PC and Mac, many consumers have yet to forget the pain and frustration associated with what is now looked back on as one of the most painful single-player game launches in history. In the 15 months since the less than ideal launch of the hack and slash dungeon crawler, Blizzard Entertainment has released a long series of updates and fixes that have all made their way over to the new console port of Diablo 3. For how closely the Diablo franchise is associated with PC gaming, you might be surprised just how well the port plays on consoles cheap Diablo 4 Boosting.
