Online, there are some subjects that are mostly taboo, at least in terms of gambling advertising. . There are particular ad networks designed exclusively for them because the majority of advertising networks won't touch those with a ten foot pole. However, I'm not here to discuss those..
Online casinos, poker, blackjack, and other Gambling ads network sites fit within this category. These "traditional games" are referred to as "gaming" collectively, despite the fact that video games have monopolized the term for the past ten years. However, these "traditional games" are frequently refused a place in the internet environment.
Many of the gaming and casino websites available today are reputable. Any website that isn't has quickly lost its player base and reputation, and everyone saves the utterly credulous avoids it. Even though it wasn't a conscious partnership, marketers, gamers, and search engines all worked together to remove the majority of them.
The truth is that, despite the fact that many of the biggest Gambling ads networks and casino websites are fine, there are still a lot of restrictions for ad networks to deal with in this sector due to its image. The majority of ad networks just reject the niche because they don't want to deal with the reputation or the ties. Sometimes it's done for the network's benefit since it doesn't want to be linked to Gambling ads network ads websites. Sometimes they do this out of consideration for their users, who don't want online gaming to occupy their ad spots.
The same reputational problems are, of course, the related cause of that. Online casinos are "adult" products; Generally speaking, it is against the law for anybody under the age of 18 or 21 to gamble, however there are certain regional variations. It has many of the same regulations and is just as complicated as alcohol. The majority of websites that are not about Gambling ads network ads simply do not want advertisements for any adult items, whether they be for drugs, alcohol, dating, pornography, or gaming.
The Networks
Since most affiliate networks have the same limitations as PPC ad networks , the first entry isn't actually an ad network. However, because of the lack of networks, many casinos and providers of extra information frequently run their own affiliate or referral programs. Naturally, managing a dozen codes and referrals is more difficult than managing one network, but you have to make this sacrifice if you run a website in a unique sector.
You may basically search for casino ppc agencies, online poker rooms, and other service providers in your specialty. Locate their websites and check the links for advertising to see if you can learn more about any affiliate or referral programs they may be running.
Exponential –Tribal Fusion is owned and operated by this network, thus what I say about Exponential also applies to TF.
Despite being a rather limited network, Exponential appears to allow gaming and Gambling ads network material. Along with the typical limitations on no hate speech, no defamation, no illicit goods, no alcohol, etc., the only prohibited item they state is no pornography. In the passage, it is clear that the phrase "otherwise adult-oriented content" refers to sexual services rather than anything else that falls under the general 18+ category.
They are mutually exclusive, as I say. They have their own requirements for quality, one of which is that you must have more than 500,000 visits each month. They need expert design, highly targeted content, and regular updates. In essence, they are quite selective about the businesses they partner with.
7Search PPC
One of the best gambling ads networks for online casinos and gambling operators is 7Search PPC. This platform helps businesses to efficiently market their gaming goods or services due to its wide audience and high-quality traffic. One major benefit of 7Search PPC is its sophisticated targeting options, which let marketers choose certain keywords, demographics, and geographic areas to make sure their advertisements are seen by the right people.
Adversal – With only 50,000 monthly visits needed, this network is one of the simplest to join. You may see their whole set of restrictions on their advertisers and publishers pages, although they frequently include things like "no excessive advertising" and "no malicious content or scripts."
According to what I've read, Adversal's only drawback is that their salary isn't particularly good. As an advertiser, it means they are fairly inexpensive, but they will only display your advertisements on low-quality websites that are open to accepting ads that pay extremely little. For the publisher, this implies that while they are a method to obtain certain conversion rate numbers, they won't bring in a lot of cash.
The FoxFire Web Although I include it here more out of curiosity than actual interest, I find this network to be fascinating. Please share your experiences if you've utilized them in the comments.
One is that they say their system is operated by a sophisticated AI that "thinks like a human." Hello men? I believe scientists would be interested in learning if you had created a thinking AI. The third is that they just provide banner advertisements and don't even offer text ads, which limits them considerably for many websites. However, it would be worthwhile to test whether their claims are even remotely accurate compared to what they promise.
BidVertiser – They are more trustworthy than many other possibilities because they are listed on non-adult ad network listings.
For both publications and marketers, they work out very well. In particular, advertisers benefit since they can choose the websites directly they wish to advertise on rather than delegating their decision-making to a network algorithm. Manually doing it may be tiresome, but it allows you far more control. The flexibility to refuse advertising and the conversion rates provided provide you, as a publisher, a very excellent and distinctive connection with advertisers who explicitly choose you.
Each of the best Gambling marketing agencies we've included on our list offers the digital marketing strategies you need to drive traffic, convert those visitors, and maintain your customer base.