Cenforce 100 mg | Sildenafil Tablets | Genericmedsstore

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Cenforce 100 mg blue pill is a medicinal drug used to deal with a disorder referred to as sexual impotence, or erectile dysfunction.

Cenforce 100 mg blue pill is a medicinal drug used to deal with a disorder referred to as sexual impotence, or erectile dysfunction. It is when a person is not able to achieve a sufficiently awesome and long-lasting erection. The product is suitable for fixing impotence troubles with the lively element sildenafil citrate. This issue is in the amount of a hundred mg in step with the tablet.

Manufactured using Centurion Remedies in medical conditions, Cenforce is produced in a top-notch trendy to ensure its protection and effectiveness. The medicament fulfills all European standards and is synthetic in top laboratories that meet all Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requirements.

Sildenafil citrate belongs to the magnificence of drugs known as PDE-5 inhibitors. It will increase blood waft to the penis following sexual stimulation using blocking off the enzyme liable for cGMP breakdown. CGMP is a substance that relaxes and widens blood vessels and cleans muscle cells, permitting men to hold an erection difficult sufficient for sex. Cenforce 100 isn't an aphrodisiac. Stimulation can be required to expand an erection.

The effective treatment time is 4–6 hours; but, many report greater prolonged instances. Patients the use Cenforce 150mg regularly report successful intercourse and commonly maintain to apply the treatment.


Cenforce 100 is used to treat erectile dysfunction. It shows a brief impact on potency troubles and guarantees a satisfying sex life. Above all, the terrific charge/overall performance ratio speaks for the want of the product.

Among the advantages of Cenforce 100 mg are:

·         better charge in assessment to the authentic Viagra

·         will increase blood glide to the penis at some stage in sexual stimulation

· The speedy onset of motion (inside forty-five minutes)

·         extended length of sexual intercourse (4–6 hours)

·         simplest effects in treating ED

Pick your favorite package and buy reasonably-priced Cenforce 100mg tablets online for a great price with a reduction without a prescription.

Side effects

Along with its wanted effects, erectile dysfunction drugs containing sildenafil might also purpose some unwanted consequences. Although now not all of those facet outcomes may additionally occur, they may need medical interest if they occur. Cenforce 100 may additionally affect how other drug treatments work and other tablets might also affect the way Cenforce works, causing aspect consequences. The product no longer protects you or your partner from getting sexually transmitted sicknesses, which include HIV — the virus that causes AIDS.

Commonly pronounced aspect consequences of Cenforce 100 mg drugs are:

·         headaches and backache

·         dizziness

·         rhinitis

·         eye swelling

· Reduced nice of vision

·         digestive issues

·         facial flushing

Although critical aspect consequences are uncommon, if you enjoy any excessive facet consequences, stop taking Cenforce 100mg and seek emergency hospital therapy straight away.

How to take the medicine?

To get the fine from your remedy, please study the following cautiously:

· The secure indicated dose of Cenforce 100 within 24 hours is a hundred mg (1 tablet)

·         effects may be sizeable after 30–60 mins

·         effective treatment time is four–6 hours

· Constantly take medicine with a huge glass of water

Avoid massive or fatty meals close to the time whilst you intend to take the remedy. Cenforce 100 tablets can lower blood stress, and mixing them with alcohol may also further grow this impact. Cenforce 100 best works following sexual stimulation. The motion sets on after 30 to 60 minutes but may be taken as much as four hours before sexual pastime.


To get the best out of your treatment, please study the subsequent carefully:

The secure indicated dose of Cenforce 100mg from Centurion Remedies within 24 hours is 100 mg (1 pill). This medicinal drug will become powerful within 30 to 60 minutes. Effective remedy time is four– 6 hours. Always take this medicinal drug with a large glass of water.

Avoid large or fatty meals while you intend to take the drugs. Additionally, avoid the everyday intake of massive amounts of grapefruits and grapefruit juice. Grapefruit can improve the blood degree on your frame and delay the time it takes for the drugs to work.

Alcohol can even lessen the effectiveness of this remedy. Cenforce 100mg can decrease blood pressure, and mixing it with alcohol can also further increase this impact. You can be more likely to revel in signs along with dizziness, lightheadedness, fainting, flushing, headache, and coronary heart palpitations.

You ought to keep away from or restrict the use of alcohol even as being treated with Sildenafil Citrate, and use warning while getting up from a sitting or mendacity function. The dosage is based on your medical condition, reaction to treatment, and different medications you may be taking. Be certain to tell your physician and pharmacist about all the products you use (inclusive of pharmaceuticals, nonprescription pills, and herbal products).

Tell your medical doctor in case your situation does not improve.


Cenforce 100mg isn't always appropriate for everybody.

Patients below remedy for the following situations; or any ongoing controlled situation, have to seek advice from their doctor earlier than taking Cenforce 100mg:

·         coronary heart-associated & cardiovascular diseases along with aortic stenosis, idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis, and widespread ventricular outflow obstruction

·         stroke, myocardial infarction (heart attack), or severe arrhythmia within the remaining 6 months

·         cardiac failure or coronary artery disorder causing volatile angina

·         blood pressure-related diseases consisting of high blood pressure & hypotension and patients with significantly impaired autonomic control of blood pressure

·         resting hypotension (low blood pressure) of (BP <90/50)

·         resting hypertension (high blood pressure) of (BP >170/110)

·         surgical treatment within the final 6 months

·         deformed penis shape

·         bleeding troubles

·         stomach ulcers

·         liver issues

·         kidney troubles or are having kidney dialysis – erection that lasted for greater than four hours

·         retinitis pigmentosa (genetic sickness of the retina)

·         sickle cell or different associated anemias

·         HIV (especially on remedy with protease inhibitors)

·         organ donor recipients

· Issues with blood cells such as sickle cell anemia, more than one myeloma, or leukemia


Patients taking the subsequent medication types should NOT take Cenforce 100mg:

·         nitrate medicines (nitroglycerin drugs)

·         nitroprusside medicines

·         guanylate cyclase stimulators such as Adempas (riociguat)

· Alpha-blockers (every so often prescribed for prostate problems or excessive blood pressure)

·         HIV protease inhibitors

· A few sorts of oral antifungal medicines

·         different medicines that deal with high blood pressure

·         other drug treatments or treatments for ED

·         amyl nitrate (recreationally known as poppers)

·         organ donor recipient medicines

·         azole antifungal drugs taken orally (topical creams for the treatment of candida/thrush are safe)

How does it work?

Sildenafil Citrate blocks the motion of an enzyme referred to as cGMP-precise phosphodiesterase type-five (PDE-5). This enzyme breaks down cGMP, a substance that induces easy muscle mass to loosen up. Blocking PDE-5 method improved ranges of cGMP in the clean muscle tissue which promotes muscle relaxation and vasodilation (a widening of blood vessels).

High stages of PDE-five are discovered inside the penis, lungs, and retina. PDE-5 is likewise determined at some point in the body within the clean muscle cells of blood vessels and muscular tissues.

Sildenafil Citrate belongs to the class of drugs referred to as PDE-5 inhibitors. Sildenafil Citrate increases blood waft to the penis following sexual stimulation. It does this by using blockading the enzyme responsible for the breakdown of cGMP. CGMP is a substance that relaxes and widens blood vessels and easy muscle cells. This allows guys to preserve an erection tough sufficient for intercourse.

Sildenafil Citrate's handiest works following sexual stimulation. It works for 30 to 60 mins however may be taken as much as four hours earlier than a sexual pastime.

Sildenafil Citrate is used to deal with erectile dysfunction (ED) and to reduce blood pressure in pulmonary arterial high blood pressure (PAH). It is taken when needed for ED and each day for PAH. A headache, belly upsets, and flushing are the primary side effects.

Cenforce 100 mg may affect the way different drug treatments work, and different drugs may also affect the manner Cenforce 100mg works, causing facet results. Cenforce 100mg no longer guards you or your partner from getting sexually transmitted sicknesses, inclusive of HIV—the virus that reasons AIDS.

Do not take a couple of doses of Cenforce 100mg per day.

Do no longer consume grapefruit or grapefruit merchandise whilst taking Sildenafil Cenforce 120mg.

Always communicate with your health practitioner earlier than taking any medicinal drug for erectile dysfunction. Some erectile dysfunction medicinal drugs are not suitable for men with certain scientific situations, and your doctor can suggest an alternative.

Call your doctor right away in case you experience dizziness or feel nauseous throughout sexual pastime, or expand pain, numbness, or tingling in your chest, palms, neck, or jaw.

Do not take Cenforce 100mg in case you also are taking a nitrate drug (along with nitroglycerin or isosorbide dinitrate/mononitrate) for chest ache or coronary heart issues. Do not take Cenforce 100mg with leisure tablets inclusive of "poppers". Taking those substances together can purpose a sudden and dangerous drop in blood strain.

Always purchase your medicines from a reputable supplier as there are several counterfeit merchandise in the marketplace.

Certain lifestyle and mental factors, including smoking, drinking, and stress, could have an impact on erectile dysfunction.

Eliminating those might also help enhance the erection. For instance:

· Staying extra active

·         dropping weight if you are overweight

· Reducing alcohol consumption

· Preventing smoking and lowering pressure

Never take other erectile dysfunction medicines at the same time as taking Cenforce 100mg.

Seek pressing scientific advice if a hypersensitive reaction, surprising vision loss, or painful erections lasting extra than four hours arise.

Drinking alcohol after taking Cenforce 100mg may also lower blood stress and decrease sexual performance.
