SUNWELL Cyclone Dust Collector Working Principle

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Cyclone Dust Collector also is named as Cyclone Dust Separator, or cyclone dust extractor. Cyclone Dust Collector is widely used in the rotary dryer system to seperate

Cyclone Dust Collector also is named as Cyclone Dust Separator, or cyclone dust extractor. Cyclone Dust Collector is widely used in the rotary dryer system to seperate the dust from the water vapour.

Operating Principle

Dust-laden air enters the cylindrical/conical body of the cyclone tangentially at the top and the flow assumes a vortex pattern as it travels helically downward, Figure 1. Centrifugal force from the air's tangential velocity causes the heavier dust particles to move radically outward toward the cyclone's wall. When the particles reach the wall, friction and gravity force them to descend and discharge into a receiver. The cleaned air spirals upward and exits at the top of the cyclone.

Performance characteristics of a cyclone are determined by its proportions and size and by the properties and flow rates of the air and dust. Performance is described by pressure drop (energy consumption), fractional efficiency (weight percent collected of any particle size), and total efficiency (total collected weight percent).

A particle's radial velocity, determined by Stokes' Law, is a function of the air's density and viscosity, the particle's density, the square of the particle's aerodynamic diameter, and the particle's acceleration. Acceleration is a function of the square of the volumetric air flow rate and the reciprocals of the square of the inlet area and of the cyclone's body diameter.

Because the flow patterns in the cyclones are three-dimensional, mathematical relationships describing performance characteristics are very complex. However, the application of established physical laws to empirical data derived from laboratory tests and field experience has resulted in accurate computer models for predicting cyclone performance. In turn, overall cyclone performance has improved, and the scope of applications for these units has broadened.

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