And turning"Luther" to"Loser" isn't how it is written in Japanese, I believe that was also done as a joke. But honestly, I do not care much about all this, provided that they don't make the error SEA PSO2 created with phoning Force a"Wizard", or techs"Magic". And maintain EQs in accord with the story upgrades. From what I discovered in Phantasy Star Online 2 Meseta SEA PSO2, they had the EQs release before the story of those EQs were even released. Hoping they wo follow SEA PSO2's error of costumes to character/account.
All our journeys matter and our experiences are awesome to hear about. What's your story? I began with PSO v1 around Dreamcast, but unfortunately - either because of area locks or an returned game having the code redeemed (or maybe even a store staff member lifting the Hunter License code) - I was not able to play with online. Before returning it disappointed I managed to reach Dark Falz on normal. I made a great deal of friends and loved every minute of it, played on PC Ver two and obtained my own personality. That is a shot of some buddies that are regional and I preparing to take on Vol Opt.
Australia did not get PSO Episode 1 2 on GameCube or Xbox (or at least it had been very difficult to find), so I imported the US version and played it offline to Lv. 200 again. The Climate Control Region and Towers stay some of my favourite places in PSO Ep 2! During that time period I made some friends locally who and PSO on Dreamcast had played with since launching, we ended up playing Blue Burst. I moved on to the US servers and started out by engaging in the Beta. The shot was taken after several'Towards the Future' runs! I played with with a HUmar at the early hours of Ver 2, but finally settled on being a Cast from this moment forward.
Fast forward a couple more decades and PS Universe is declared, I quickly joined the PSUPedia community, making a whole bunch of buddies on IRC and began my grind again. This time I had been one of those Human faced casts focusing on the Hunter course. I capped out at around lv 80 with Ambition of the Illuminus, but this is a shot from the very first level cap of 50. I dabbled in the PSP games too, PSP2 being my favorite as PSP2i never got localised properly. I actually started playing it again recently as a game for traveling and it's been super nostalgic to return to it. Pictured is the first PSP game with Vivienne, that you might come across in crisis codes in PSO2!
Fast forward to now, where I have been playing with the Japanese version with Neo, who I befriended properly throughout the PSO2 Closed Beta for NA. We've been creating an Alliance together with a concentration of helping out new players!So, there's my history over the past twenty decades of internet PSO games. What is your story? I really wish there was a HD remaster of Ep 1 2 or Blue Burst for PC or modern consoles. With an choice to pso2 buying meseta host your lobbies and the capability for friends to join. I miss this.
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