My coordinates are about 4 squares from the ladder. Problem is there's at least one lesser demon that respawns there. I possess the spot pretty much figured out but need approximately ten seconds to perform it. My probs are after a while I get low on food since the demon keeps respawning and then there's a rev that keeps showing up to RS gold attack me. What is the best strategy for this? 1)keep hopping low people (slow respawn) worlds to locate solo lower with no rev and work there? 2)find solo lesser without a toaster and lure lower outside gate and lock out? 3)If assaulted by rev should I run down ladder and try to hop worlds? I can bring anti-posion next time.
I will go with dragon p++ next time and complete pray equipment. Bring 2 super energy pots and two prayer pots and sharks. Also likely to deliver my prayer book and sacred symbol to beg. I got teleblocked when I ran out of food and obtained posoned by lions in kbd lair last time so was fortunate I had two super enrgy pots. Thanks! I'm performing Desert Treasure Quest and I am planning to go fight Kamil. I only wish to know if you guys think I'm prepared and have the perfect stuff. I have already fought once and died, so I don't wish to die . Well I know how to aviansies, done it hundreds of times with prayer in my pure, I understand genereally things to do if tanking just need to make sure. Avas accumilator(no other cape that is better that I own;short of money ) Do u think I can make it? Ill take sharks and I got a dds... I can mage/range. I have mage lvl 62 and range lvl 60. Thank you in advanced. I recently got stuck on a treasure trail. This is my first one so I'm not that experienced...
Heres how the road went: hint 1: (idk the specific words)it told me to go beneath the shantay pass's awning and perform a jig whilst wielding an atmosphere staff, a bronze shield, and a snail helmet. And bow before you speak to me...--a man popped up and gave me yet another clue. Clue two: it revealed part of the world map that was actually a side of the clocktower. . In a box beside the tower, I found the clue. I've talked to everyone in the desert with the title ali, and I am completely missing,,, please help!
I am becoming a member soon (after I get up my stats ). I have been consistently wondering what armor/other things I need to get when I go member or earlier. I am kinda on a restricted budget of 500k for more suggestion, but I can earn more by buy osrs gold paypal chopping then promoting yews. I am thinking bout this far for melee: Head:? Amulet: Glory Amulet (no explanation required ) Cape: Zamorak Cape (I like Zamorak plus it gives prayer bonus I think) Body: Dharok Plate (like legs) Legs: Dharok Legs (looks great, gives high incentive ) Feet: Dragon Boots (defence bonuses, llok kinda trendy with dharoks) Hand: Ddp++ (initially, then I Will Likely move to abyssal whip) Shield: Obsidian Shield (looks cool, gives great bonuses)
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