Prazo de Reembolso de Recarga de Saldo:

Este termo estabelece as condições e procedimentos para solicitação e processamento de reembolsos de recargas de saldo feitas em conta. Ao solicitar um reembolso, o cliente concorda com os termos e condições abaixo:

Solicitação de Reembolso: O cliente tem o direito de solicitar o reembolso de uma recarga de saldo realizada em sua conta, desde que a recarga não tenha sido utilizada e a solicitação seja feita dentro do prazo estipulado pela empresa.

Refund Conditions: The refund will be granted upon verification that the balance recharge has not been used by the customer. If the recharge has been partially used, the refund will be limited to the amount corresponding to the unused balance.

Deadline for Refund Request: The refund request must be made within 7 days from the balance recharge date.

Refund Processing: Refunds will be processed within a reasonable time, typically within 15 business days of the company's approval of the claim. The amount will be refunded in the same payment method used in the original balance recharge, unless otherwise agreed between the customer and the company.

Restrictions and Exceptions: Certain balance top-ups may be subject to specific restrictions, such as promotional balances or non-refundable top-ups.

Customer Responsibility: The customer is responsible for providing correct and complete information during the balance top-up process. It is essential to notify the company promptly of any problems, errors or wishes to request a refund.

Error Checking: The company reserves the right to check for errors or problems related to balance top-up before processing the refund. This check is intended to ensure the validity of the request and may include review of customer communication and transaction records.

Reimbursement Refusal: The company reserves the right to refuse reimbursement if the established conditions are not met or evidence of fraud, bad faith or abuse by the customer is identified.

Resolução de Controvérsias: Em caso de desacordo ou litígio relacionado com o reembolso da recarga de saldo, as partes envolvidas comprometem-se a procurar uma solução amigável através de negociação e diálogo, antes de recorrerem a medidas judiciais.

Ao solicitar o reembolso de uma recarga de saldo, o cliente declara ter lido, compreendido e concordado com os termos e condições estabelecidos neste termo. A empresa compromete-se a processar o pedido de reembolso de forma justa e dentro dos prazos estipulados, de acordo com as políticas e procedimentos internos.